Drink Philly Tap
Philly tap water is safe, healthy, affordable and good for the environment. Single-use bottled water is expensive and harmful to the planet. Know the truth about your water.
Join millions of Philadelphians choosing to Drink Philly Tap!

Philly tap is safe and healthy
Philly tap water is safe – it’s treated and tested to make sure of that before it reaches your home. Did you know tap water is held to a stricter standard than bottled water? Water is essential to a healthy life, be proud to Drink Philly Tap.
You can save money by drinking Philly tap
Tap water in Philadelphia costs less than a penny per gallon. Bottled water can be, on average, hundreds of times more expensive than that. Switching to tap could save your family hundreds to thousands of dollars a year.
Philly tap is better for our environment
Tap water is the most sustainable choice for Philadelphians. Single-use bottled water uses fossil fuels to make and transport, and more often than not, pollutes our local communities and rivers. By choosing Philly Tap, you are helping our city.
Philly’s solution to plastic pollution!
The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University is teaming up with Drink Philly Tap to promote Plastic-free Philly, a campaign to reduce single-use plastic water bottles. Together, our goal is to gain 3,000 new Drink Philly Tap pledges.